Thursday 26 October 2017

Minecraft Build Project: Castle Ravenloft - Part 1

 I recently decided to try my hand at building the infamous Castle Ravenloft from Dungeons & Dragons, partially because I'm currently running the 5th Edition Ravenloft adventure Curse of Strahd on Roll20, and because it's been a long time since I've built anything particularly fancy in Minecraft.
 Using the top-down maps exclusive to Roll20 and the standard isometric maps for reference, I determined that the best scale would be four Minecraft blocks for every square in the D&D map. For reference, a block in Minecraft is one metre wide while a square in a most D&D maps is five feet. This conversion isn't exact, but it's close enough for my purposes.
 I opted to start with a footprint, going from the main gate outwards, trying to maintain symmetry. This required constant reference to the Roll20 map and careful calculation, but I eventually got the base for the outer walls done.
Unfortunately, I realized that the superflat preset I used went too far underground, severely limiting my upward building space. I couldn't even get the castle walls to their full height, so I had to start over.

The new map is only around 50 blocks deep, giving ample room to build both up, and down.

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Minecraft Build Project: Castle Ravenlot - Part 6

 For this update, I focused primarily on finishing up the chapel at the end of the castle. Obviously I haven't finished the wall heigh...