Saturday 28 October 2017

Minecraft Build Project: Castle Ravenloft - Part 2

After successfully testing the height of the exterior walls, I put myself to work building the footprint of the castle walls. AGAIN.
I have some slight confusion until I realized the Roll20 map of the castle was slightly asymmetrical on the back end. After realizing this, I set up my build to match.
Once I finished the wall footprint, I started on the ground floor of the inner keep. This may be a challenge due to the difference in how walls work between D&D maps and Minecraft. That being said, I have previously built maps based on randomly generated maps from donjon, in which walls work very much like in Minecraft, making it easier. I also realized after the fact that I over-calculated the height of section K19, making it three times as high as it should have been. I'll have to fix that later.

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Minecraft Build Project: Castle Ravenlot - Part 6

 For this update, I focused primarily on finishing up the chapel at the end of the castle. Obviously I haven't finished the wall heigh...